Understanding process

It’s as easy as one-two-three

We know there are numerous high-quality learning experiences available across campus, and we aim to add as many as possible to the Record. We have designed a straightforward process to guide you toward having your experience counted on the Record.

To submit a credit-bearing curricular or a co-curricular experience for consideration, fill out this form.

As the instructor or program director you will need to complete the application and email it to record@iupui.edu. Questions about the application may also be addressed by emailing record@iupui.edu.

After you have submitted your application, the PRAC Record subcommittee reviews your materials and will make a decision to:

  • Approve the application
  • Suggest edits to your application
  • Deny the application

Experiences are rarely rejected; however, in cases where an application does not yet meet all criteria for approval, the subcommittee may require revisions prior to accepting the experience.

After approval, the Office of the Registrar will setup your experience to be included on the Record.

Once your experience is approved to be included on the Record, you will be responsible for entering students’ names when they have successfully completed the experience. This may be done through the Experiential & Applied Learning Record (Administrative) application in One.IU.

The Institute for Engaged Learning will provide administrative support for entering large numbers of students into the Record after the instructor or program director provides a list of students who have completed the experience. Please send this request to record@iupui.edu following approval of your opportunity.

Tips about the process

  • You only need to apply for your experience once! Once approved, the experience will stay with the instructor or program director throughout your employment at IU Indianapolis.
  • The process from submitted application to approval typically takes about three weeks.
  • If the point of contact or other details on the opportunity change, please contact record@iupui.edu.