Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL) is a functional area within the Campus Center and Student Experiences (CCSE) unit. The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) is a Registered Student Organization (RSO) that exists to serve the students of IU Indianapolis who are affiliated with one of seven historically Black Greek-lettered organizations that are members of the council. NPHC works collaboratively with the three other FSL governing councils and internally to embrace the vision for fraternity/sorority life at IU Indianapolis.
View more informationNational Pan-Hellenic Council Executive Board
President, Vice President of Accountability, Vice President of Administration, Vice President of Cross-Campus Relations, Vice President of External Relations, Vice President of Programming
Instructor/Program Director: Linda Wardhammar
Academic Year
Achievement category:
Additional details:
Non-credit Bearing, Communicator, Problem Solver, Innovator, Community Contributor, Fully On-Campus