In this scholarship program, Masarachia scholars complete the same curriculum that was approved for the 18-credit Certificate in Social Justice Organizing. They begin with American Studies A341 “Organizing for Social Action” taught by the program director. Also, they take a 300-level advanced seminar every year on relevant topics, such as working-class history, inequality in society, women in social action, and writing for social change. Scholars also complete two 150-hour internships with labor unions or community groups. Current internship partners include the Sierra Club, the Indiana State Teachers Association, the Martin Luther King Community Center, and UNITE/HERE, the union that represents IU Indianapolis food service workers. The program has an active board of directors that includes School of Liberal Arts faculty, local organizers and activists.
View more informationMasarachia Scholars Program
Instructor/Program Director: Sue Hyatt
Academic Year
Achievement category:
Additional details:
Credit Bearing, Communicator, Problem Solver, Community Contributor, Off-Campus Component