Hire Achievers Employment Program

Instructor/Program Director: Janna McDonald and Angie Cannon jkmcdona@iupui.edu
Length: Academic Year
Achievement category: Internships/Career Development
Compensation: Hourly Employment
Additional details: Non-credit Bearing, Communicator, Problem Solver, Innovator, Fully On-Campus

The Hire Achievers Program is a campus-wide initiative to assist departments that want to hire part-time student employees. The primary goal of the program is to assist supervisors in strengthening the experiences of student employees in on-campus positions and to enhance their preparation for professional work by connecting student employment to the IU Indianapolis Profiles of Learning for Undergraduate Success. Students in this program must be work-study eligible freshmen or sophomores by academic standing. Students may work up to 15 hours a week. Students in this program will receive ongoing support from their supervisors in the form of coaching conversations. In addition to their work experience, students will be required to reflect on their experience through participation in the Hire Achievers Development Series. The Development Series is facilitated through Canvas modules and will help students reflect on career competencies in relation to their work experience. Through the series, they will learn more about their own identity as professionals as well as building important skills for workplace success. Upon completion of all modules, students will receive a certification of completion.