AFRO-A 364: Research on Contemporary Afro-American Problems II

Instructor/Program Director: Dr. Patricia Turley
Length: Semester
Achievement category: Research
Compensation: Uncompensated
Additional details: Credit Bearing, Communicator, Problem Solver, Innovator, Community Contributor, Off-Campus Component

This Africana Studies course within the School of Liberal Arts aims to provide undergraduate students with an understanding of the research processes used to conduct research in Africana Studies and allied disciplines. It will also help you think about ways to relate research topics and projects seemingly unrelated to people of African descent to Africana Studies. In this course, the research proposal from A 200: Research Methods in Africana Studies will be the framework for conducting, analyzing, and interpreting the collected data and concluding the narrative. More specifically, students will perform the specified research methods. For example, you could conduct interviews/questionnaires, participant observations, or another research method. As a student in this course, you will engage and consult with community experts concerning the research project and deliverables. Professor/students and the community need to develop a good relationship that fosters reciprocity for the community's betterment. Professor/students and community experts will work closely together during the research process. The final paper will go through an editing process for publication and be accessible to the community.